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Downloading the Talon Community User File Set

After installing talon and a speech recognition engine, as described here you will need to download a user file set. This wiki is all about the Talon community user file set and so this page is about downloading that specific user file set.

This can be done using two different methods, using zip and using git.

The background to this choice is that if you use Talon for any period of time, you can expect the following:

  • The community will update the user file set with bug fixes and new features, and you will want to update your local copy of it.
  • You might make your own changes to some of these files.


About zip

This is easier to get started with Talon as it involves only downloading a single file and using standard methods on your PC to extract all the files from it.

The disadvantage is longer term. Periodically on those occasions when you download the latest community user file set, you will manually need to keep track of which files you have changed and make sure those changes aren't lost during the update.


In many cases, this disadvantage can be mitigated by following the recommendations SO BE COMPLETED

About git

The benefit of git, is that it makes it easy to obtain the latest files without losing any changes you've made in the meantime. This is a benefit when using Talon longer term.

If you haven't already heard of git, and if you are not particularly comfortable using a command terminal, this will be harder to get started with Talon.


If you are not particularly comfortable using a command terminal, and if you are just wanting to explore the suitability of Talon you may wish to use the simpler method of downloading zip files.

You will always be able to switch to using git down the track.


Installing Using the Zip File

In this method, the zip file is downloaded from:

Click on the Code button:

screenshot of the talon hub community page on GitHub

And download the zip file:

screenshot of the GitHub code panel
  • Extract the files. If you don’t know how to extract zip files, a quick google search for "extract zip files" may be helpful.
  • Place these extracted files inside the user folder of the Talon Home directory. You can find this folder by right-clicking the Talon icon in the taskbar (Windows) or clicking the Talon icon in the menu bar (Mac), clicking Scripting > Open ~/talon, and navigating to user.

Installing Using Git

If you wish to install community by using git, proceed as follows:

Linux & Mac

  1. Install git
  2. Open a terminal (Mac / Ubuntu)
  3. Paste the following into the terminal window then press Enter/Return:
cd ~/.talon/user
git clone community


  1. Install git
  2. Open a command prompt
  3. Paste the following into the command prompt window then press Enter:
cd %AppData%\Talon\user
git clone community